Welcome to my website! 👋 I’m Raphael Tannous, a Computer Science student. Outside of my studies, I enjoy building and tinkering with code to create beautiful, safe, user-friendly, and fast solutions.

Additionally, I offer some of my work as services, providing for various businesses, whether as a startup or to enhance existing operations.


One-Page Website Menu for Restaurants

v1.5.0 - 2024-04-24

Welcome to One-Page Menu Website For Restaurants, where I specialize in creating a compact single page menu for restaurants. Read more...

Multi-Page Website Menu for Restaurants

v1.5.0 - 2024-04-24

Welcome to Multi-Page Website Menu For Restaurants, where I specialize in creating personalized websites/menu for restaurants. My service is tailored to meet your unique needs, offering a comprehensive solution to establish a strong online presence… Read more...