One-Page Website Menu for Restaurants

v1.5.0 - 2024-04-24

Welcome to One-Page Menu Website For Restaurants, where I specialize in creating a compact single page menu for restaurants.

Website Features


The website is a static website, which will be created using GoHugo. There’s no a way to add any items or change any price in a dynamic matter.

However, I am working on bringing a way to change/add items without breaking the static feature of the website.

Keep an eye on future updates :)

Speed Optimization

  • Implementation of techniques to optimize website performance and ensure fast loading times.
  • Minification of code, image optimization, and leveraging browser caching to enhance speed.

Downloadable as an Online App

  • Enable users to install the restaurant website as an online app directly from their browser, bypassing the need for Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  • Supported on Apple devices via Safari browser and Android devices on Chrome, Brave, Firefox, and other compatible browsers, ensuring a seamless installation experience across platforms.
  • Provide a convenient and platform-agnostic way for users to access the restaurant’s online platform, promoting frequent engagement and enhancing the overall user experience.

Multilingual Support

  • Implementation of multilingual functionality to display content in multiple languages, such as English and Arabic.
  • Integration of language switcher that allows users to easily switch between languages.


  • Adherence to strict privacy standards with no usage of analytics or tracking cookies on the website.


  • v1.5.0:
    • Bug Fixes.
  • v1.4.0:
    • Adding clear button in each search bar.
  • v1.3.1:
    • Adding a search bar for each category.
  • v1.3.0:
    • Bux Fixes.
  • v1.2.0:
    • Bug Fixes.
  • v1.1.0:
    • Adding a back to top button.

Get Started Today!

For more information on how things work, get in touch and we will talk through all the procedures.